Wednesday, December 15, 2004


Under God, The Beat Goes On

Does freedom of religion mean freedom from religion? Of course not, in spite of wilful misinterpretations to the contrary, which are plentiful these days.

But if the above argument holds water (and obviously I think it does), this is so because it uses genuine freedom of religion as its underpinning. Which is why I agree with Mr. David Habecker of Colorado:

Politician Who Won't Say Pledge Of Allegiance May Be Recalled

DENVER -- A recall election is now set for an Estes Park, Colo., trustee who refuses to stand up and recite the Pledge of Allegiance during the Town Board meetings.

David Habecker sits while others stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

"I have not been standing for the Pledge of Allegiance due to a conflict I have with the wording of the pledge, specifically the words 'under God,'" Councilman David Habecker said.
Habecker, who's served on the Town Board for 12 years, said he doesn't oppose the meaning of the pledge, and considers himself a patriot.
I would suggest the pledge be recitable by an individual with or without the reference, but that in group recitations a space be allowed in which those who wish to do so can repeat the words "under God" and those who wish to abstain can simply skip a beat.