Monday, December 13, 2004


Japan Approves Preemptive Strategy

Japan has adopted a new preemptive policy, similar to the Bush Doctrine, of striking wherever and whenever it feels it must in order to protect itself from terrorism.

Interestingly - and this sounds like a warning shot across the PROC's bow - they specifically name China, in addition to the usual suspects. I don't think we've heard the last of this:

Japan's new defense outline tears down geographic constraints on missions of the Self-Defense Forces and allows troops to land in any country to fight a potential terrorist threat.

The new National Defense Program Outline, approved by the Cabinet on Friday, also specifies North Korea and China as major potential threats to Japan's security.

It is the first time China has been named a possible threat in a defense program outline.
Defense Agency officials said the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks against the United States had a significant influence when the new program outline was drawn up.
It also states that ``there is a need to pay attention to future trends'' of China in light of the modernization of its military and the expansion of its maritime activity range.
The program outline calls for closer cooperation with the United States through strategic dialogue that would involve discussions on sharing strategic objectives and dividing roles.

In particular, the outline states the immediate need to establish a missile defense system in cooperation with the United States.
I wonder if this will be noticed by an American media more concerned with illegal nannies at the moment? Do read it all.

UPDATE: Mark Helprin also notes China's quiet march for dominance.