Tuesday, February 08, 2005


Diversity The Obstacle

Former UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros Ghali, currently keeping busy as, among other things, President of Arab Republic of Egypt National Council of Human Rights, says diversity is an obstacle to human rights:

"...There are many obstacles hindering the proper application of human rights' principles such as, poverty, wars, political interests, and cultural diversity," Ghali said. [my emph.]
Is this a misquote? His own Egypt has certainly done its part to become as monolithic as possible by eliminating the religious diversity it once had, but it still seems unusual for an experienced diplomat to make a blunder as large as this.

UPDATE: I've managed to cross-reference the quote to other news services and it appears consistent (hopefully they weren't just plagiarizing each other). Whether or not it's what he meant to say is another question. I think it was, but still it's a shocker to hear him say it so openly.